Become A Authorized Distributor

To Apply

Please submit an email to providing all of the information below.

  • Legal business name (Inc. DBA if applicable) under which the business conducts its operations
  • Principal/owner
  • Location address(es) (note: V12 Health LLC does not accept home offices or PO Boxes)
  • Location phone number
  • Your business domain email address
  • Your business website 


  • V12 Health will not consider applications that do not meet the program requirements.
  • Meeting application requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.
  • V12 Health reserves the right to reject any application without comment.


Authorized Distributor Application (ADA) is designed for companies interested in offering V12 products to a select region.

Business requirements

Organizations applying for (ADA) status are required to have been in operation for a reasonable period, with audited financial records available for review by V12 Health. V12 and potential (ADA) must agree upon the appropriate region. The organization should actively promote the V12 brand as part of their business along with V12 products.

Operational requirements

(ADA's) are required to meet V12 standards at all times with regard to customer service and transparency. V12 periodically reviews (ADA's) to ensure high standards are consistently met. 


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